English Communication


Some rules regarding the use of articles:

1.     Singular countable nouns must always have an article.

       We use  a  before a consonant sound and   an  before a countable noun that begins
       with a vowel sound :

       A  horse, a cat, a dog, an elephant, an orange, an hour

       A/an cannot be used before plural countable nouns

2.     A  is not used in front of uncountable nouns.  Some is frequently used with an
       uncountable noun:

       Some water, some rice

3.     Some is also used with plural countable nouns:

        Some apples, some horses

4.     We must use an article when we are talking of someone’s job or occupation:

        He is a salesman and his wife is an engineer.


Buku Rujukan:-
1. Headway Elementary workbook (Liz & John Soars)
2.Common Errors For SPM English ( Annie Lee)

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